Asset Allocation as the Foundation for Successful Investing
Investing is one of the most important pillars of financial planning, and balancing your asset allocation is the most important factor in laying the foundation for successful investing. In this chapter, Rob shares the reason behind this investing philosophy and what it means to build a balanced, diversified portfolio.
How a Mutual Fund Works and Why You Should Care
The best investment decision you can make is to become a more informed investor. Understanding how various investment vehicles work is a solid start. In this chapter, Rob explains what a mutual fund is, how it works, why you should consider including them in your portfolio, and how to select a mutual fund.
Taking a Fresh Look at Annuities
Annuities often get a bad rap because for years they were sold for commission, presenting a potential conflict of interest. But you may want to reconsider annuities when recommended by an advisor governed by fiduciary responsibility. In this chapter, Rob talks about different types of annuities and how to determine which could be right for you.
The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. While our best intentions are to provide accurate and timely information, you should always consult with retirement, tax, and legal professionals prior to taking any action.